On 24-26 June 2021 the University of Milan will host the on-line International Conference Mediterranean Crossings:
Refusal and Resistance in Uncertain Times”, jointly organized by EscapesDepartment of International, Legal, Historical-Political Studies, Department of Philosophy “Piero Martinetti”, AMM – Archive of migrant memories; and in cooperation with ITHACA – Interconnecting Histories and Archives for Migrant Agency: Entangled Narratives Across Europe and the Mediterranean Region (Horizon 2020 G.A. 101004539).

The Conference aims at promoting a dialogue among researchers, activists, artists, students and interested people aimed at enhancing the interplay between different disciplines, perspectives and expressive languages in reflecting on the Mediterranean as a political, cultural and social space in which historical forms of connection and exchange have intersected with clashes, distances and fractures that now seem to take over. The scenario of violence and death resulting from the policies of containment and prevention of South-North mobility has claimed the lives of more than 36,000 men and women since the early 2000s, with increasingly high costs in terms of human suffering and human rights’ abuse.

Click here for the detailed programme of the conference, plenaries, panels, and abstracts: www.escapes.unimi.it

We kindly ask you to register to the Conference (active from 12 to 22 June 2021).

Registration Form