Policy Papers

A prevention approach to undocumented forms of migration across the Mediterranean Sea: a critical assessment from Italy

With the aim to inspire the development of more informed strategies and action-oriented suggestions in the field of prevention of irregular migration across the Mediterranean, this policy paper provides a solid empirical basis collected by the University of Milan unit in the context of the European H2020 project ITHACA.

Housing integration policies for migrants in urban settings. The case of the Albanian population in Athens

In Athens, access to affordable and decent housing remains problematic for the majority of the migrant population. Among the factors that do create challenges for migrants’ access to adequate and long-term housing are increasing housing prices, absence of relevant policies and social housing, shortages of affordable housing.

Policies on human rights and gender aspects in migrants’ integration

This paper recommends that government authorities house LGBTI+ refugees near support organizations, near doctors willing and able to help them when needed, and near work opportunities, via subsidies for support organizations.

Liberating Knowledge: Removing barriers to evidence- based policy and decision making. The archive practitioners’ perspective

Refugees’ lives are to a considerable extent affected by decisions taken by others, in so far as they rely on the support of host communities and governments, NGOs, international organisations, private sector sponsors and others to find protection, assistance, shelter and improved livelihoods.

Policy Briefs

Migrants and COVID-19: Media Representations, Self-Representations,
Institutional Communication

How did media represent migrants? How did migrants represent themselves? And how did health institutions communicate with migrants during COVID-19 times?

These three questions led the first round of Policy Council Events, a series of meetings where stakeholders involved in the migration discourse are engaged to discuss issues relevant to the ongoing European migration agenda, research progresses and results. Migrant people, associations, policy makers, practitioners, journalists and media experts at the local, national and international levels in 8 of the ITHACA countries are protagonists of the ITHACA PCEs.

Results and recommendations are available in the first ITHACA Policy Brief.

Qualitative research in support of Euro-Mediterranean migration policies

This Policy Brief intends to provide answers and recommendations concerning two main

• How do qualitative and archival research relate with migration policies at the local,
national and international level around the Mediterranean and beyond today?

• In the future, how can the relationship between qualitative and archival research and
actual migration policies be more collaborative and effective?

Migration narratives in the past and present

This policy brief delivers concrete suggestions on the use of archives and repositories of past and present narratives for policies and projects, routines and activities in the field of migration.