The ITHACA international call for migrant stories is open!
With the final aim to promote the peace and intercultural dialogue, we invite participants to share their autobiographical accounts whether written, video/audio recorded or drawn.
The written contributions can be delivered either in French, English, Arabic, Greek.
The most meaningful narratives will be published in a collective, multi-language and open access book. Other video, audio and painted or photographs will be displayed on the ITHACA website, social media and at the Premio Pieve Saverio Tutino, in Italy, the next September.
Participants have time until March 31, 2024.
The main aim of the ITHACA Diary Contest is to develop a new narrative of migration seen through the migrants’ own eyes and their multiple points of view.
The stories are expected to reflect the personal life experience of the author, help fostering a new narrative of migration and deconstructing the mainstream discourse of the migratory phenomenon. This allows to collect and preserve a plural cultural heritage in danger of being lost, and to contrast anti-migration stereotypes and hate speech through the direct narration of people with personal or family experiences of migration.
The selection process will focus on the contributions’ capacity to convey the full range of diversity which characterizes contemporary migrations.
To know more about the contest and participate, link on our dedicated webpage.